D-Street Bridge

Hurt & Proffitt, Inc. was responsible for providing a detailed bridge situation plan for the “D Street” bridge in the fall of 2008. The 80-foot tall, hundred year old structure was scheduled for replacement as a result of having been closed to traffic after routine inspections revealed structural deficiencies. In order to reduce cost, use of the existing abutments, approach retaining walls, and approach roadways were considered for reuse. The field survey was included, locating existing bridge components in a manner suitable for design of a new bridge. Existing utilities under bridge and along approach roadways were designated and mapped in preparation of the future bridge. Detailed research of old City of Lynchburg records was performed in order to uncover data of the utility lines within project area. Courthouse research was completed and boundary lines were established in order to determine if additional right-of-way and/or easements would be required for the proposed construction. Baselines were established and referenced in the field to aid in the future construction process. The project was referenced to the Virginia State Plane Coordinate System allowing for all electronic data to be compatible with the City of Lynchburg active GIS.