Colorado Street Bridge Over Roanoke River

Hurt & Proffitt, Inc. was responsible for providing a detailed bridge situation plan for the Colorado Street bridge over the Roanoke River in Salem, Virginia.

The field survey included locating existing bridge components in a manner suitable for design of a new bridge. Existing utilities under the bridge and along approach roadways were designated and mapped in preparation of the future bridge. Cross Sections were taken upstream and downstream for across full width of the flood plain and floodway. This included several large buildings within the flood area. Extensive research was conducted to determine ownership of the property along and under the existing structure. Subdivision plats were prepared and readied for recording in order for City of Salem to acquire additional right-of-way required for construction of the new bridge. Baselines were established and referenced in the field to aid in the future construction process. The project was referenced to the Virginia State Plane Coordinate System by locating City of Salem control network monuments.