Several Exciting Projects Starting Up for Hurt & Proffitt

Hurt & Proffitt is having an exciting fall / winter with several projects starting up as well as on their way to being completed. We have been working on teaming with great firms like RK&K, Parsons & WR&A to name a few. We are just starting a new waterline replacement project for the City of Lynchburg in the Denver Ave. area with teaming partner RK&K. We have a proposal into the City of Lynchburg with WR&A for a waterline replacement project on Main Street as well as a multi-phase project in the downtown area. We are also moving along nicely on the New AEP 500kV Station in the Cloverdale Area as well as expansions on the 765kV Station and 345kV Station in Cloverdale that has included all divisions in the company.  We are also happy to see the road network around the Softball Stadium at Liberty University finished up as well as the Parking Deck and vehicular tunnel to Wards Rd all open. We are grateful for the teaming efforts of Branch Associates, Branch Highways, Baskerville & Hurt & Proffitt, Inc. to help Liberty University see their dreams become a reality!