Amherst County Service Authority General Civil Engineering Services

Hurt & Proffitt has been ACSA’s civil engineering consultant for 37 years, including renewal in 2011 for 5 more years..  In the last 10 years alone, we have successfully completed over a dozen major and minor water line extensions and numerous sanitary sewer extensions.  We have provided services for the water system pertaining to water source planning and treatment; safe yield analysis; reservoir storage, routing, and expansion; dam evaluation, certification, and design; water system modeling and mapping; water meter replacement; fire hydrant flow testing; water treatment plant evaluation, rehabilitation, and modification; pump stations; and water storage tank rehabilitation, mixing systems, and maintenance; and emergency drought response. For the sewer system, we have also restored the James River bank to protect ACSA’s intersystem sewer to and force main from the Williams Run pump station and upgraded that pump station.

Hurt & Proffitt created and regularly updates the ACSA Facilities Plan and the ACSA Master Specifications and Standard Details, performs review of site development plans submitted to ACSA for review and approval, inspects construction that ACSA will accept into its water and sewer systems, assists with ACSA water and sewer master planning, and administrates an annual water and sewer construction contract for ACSA.  We are currently completing a water line extension to serve the new Blue Ridge Regional Jail and future development at the Rte. 29 Bypass/Rte. 210 interchange for April, 2009 construction bid advertisement, design of a technical upgrade of the Henry L. Lanum, Jr. Water Filtration Plant, evaluation of the Graham Creek Reservoir dam for conformance to the new dam safety regulations, permitting of a new water withdrawal pump station on James River, two water storage tank rehabilitation and maintenance projects, and preliminary planning of a future reservoir on Buffalo River.  Later this year, we will begin water and sewer master planning for two Route 29 Bypass interchanges, update the ACSA Facilities Plan, begin design of the James River pump station, and begin work on the replacement of the impoundment weir at the Lanum plant with a new concrete flow monitoring weir.