New London Business and Technology Park

Hurt & Proffitt prepared the preliminary engineering report for the development of the new 515± acre New London Business Park. Our master plan included a conceptual layout plan, recommendations on the site’s development, the utility infrastructure, and the connection to U.S. Route 460. The site grading and proposed utility extensions were designed according to plans and specifications prepared by Hurt & Proffitt. We also completed construction documents for a water main extension, a 1.0 million gallon elevated tank, and Phase I roadway construction.

Hurt & Proffitt provided preliminary engineering study for site development, surveying (topo, boundary, ALTA, construction), site planning and grading, utility infrastructure, geotechnical investigations and design of roadway connection of the park to Route 460. Environmental phase 1 site assessment, environmental permitting, master planning, infrastructure (road, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer) design, platting, wetland delineation, mitigation plan, and funding applications were performed.