Graham Creek Reservoir

Hurt & Proffitt (H&P) provided services for evaluation, dam break analysis, hazard potential classification, and inundation zone mapping of this Amherst County Service Authority (ACSA) dam for conformance to new Virginia Dept. of Conservation and Recreation (VDCR) dam safety regulations. This work was performed under our civil engineering services term contract with ACSA and included coordination with VDCR and ACSA; hydrologic and hydraulic evaluation of dam watershed routing through the reservoir; analysis of various dam break scenarios using HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS computer software; inspection; report and VDCR forms preparation, submittal to, and approval by VDCR for dam certification renewal. 

This work continued H&P services provided to ACSA for this structure. In 2005, H&P completed an expansion of the 1967 dam to double its raw water storage volume for domestic water treatment, by adding aeration equipment and a potassium permanganate feed, raising the dam crest 6’, modifying the primary and emergency spillways, and performing a safe yield analysis and environmental permitting and wetlands/stream impacts delineation and mitigation.  Currently, H&P is working to renew the water intake permit for domestic water treatment purposes through the Virginia Dept. of Environmental Quality.