Hurt & Proffitt, Inc. provided construction surveying services to Branscome, Inc. for Phase 1 of the Commander Sheppard Boulevard extension project in Hampton, Virginia. The extension of Commander Sheppard Boulevard provides a new east-west corridor serving Langley Air Force Base and other new residential and commercial developments including the proposed 470 acre Hampton Roads Center North Business Park. This new corridor runs from Magruder Boulevard to Big Bethel Road. The first phase of this project included the new interchange between Commander Sheppard Boulevard and Magruder Boulevard including a new bridge as well as four new ramps and two new loops. Phase 1 also included the extension of Commander Sheppard from Magruder Boulevard to North Campus Parkway. Hurt & Proffitt was responsible for establishing the horizontal control lines and benchmarks for the bridge contractor as well as the roadway construction.